Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Family Christmas Party

Tonight was our annual family christmas party. We all had a great time. We really missed having Amber, Dan, Ziney, Tyson and Maddie there. The Nativity was missing a few actors, and then we had that runaway cowboy/wiseman. We had a new addition this year, it was the little drummer boy. Baby Jesus was not happy that she had to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. Oh, Santa was a big hit as ususal. Santa wondered where the Kropf little babies were, but we all know he will be good to them. I love my family and I am so thankful that we all have each other. Ted, Renee, Sid, Auggie and Matteo made us all little ornaments and little wall hangings, they were so cute. This coming year, we have two teenagers that will be graduating, so they gave a little tribute to their moms and dads. The two grads are Mckenzie and TJ. They each gave little talks and they were awesome, TJ made me cry. Man I love that kid!! Linzee is the best and she has been so sweet and helpful through this holiday season.

Well enjoy the pictures, and a very Merry Christmas to all my friends and my wonderful family!! Remember, I love you all!!!!

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