Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Our Family Christmas Party

Tonight was our annual family christmas party. We all had a great time. We really missed having Amber, Dan, Ziney, Tyson and Maddie there. The Nativity was missing a few actors, and then we had that runaway cowboy/wiseman. We had a new addition this year, it was the little drummer boy. Baby Jesus was not happy that she had to be wrapped in swaddling clothes. Oh, Santa was a big hit as ususal. Santa wondered where the Kropf little babies were, but we all know he will be good to them. I love my family and I am so thankful that we all have each other. Ted, Renee, Sid, Auggie and Matteo made us all little ornaments and little wall hangings, they were so cute. This coming year, we have two teenagers that will be graduating, so they gave a little tribute to their moms and dads. The two grads are Mckenzie and TJ. They each gave little talks and they were awesome, TJ made me cry. Man I love that kid!! Linzee is the best and she has been so sweet and helpful through this holiday season.

Well enjoy the pictures, and a very Merry Christmas to all my friends and my wonderful family!! Remember, I love you all!!!!

Little Red Dress

Well winter is here, and lots of snow is here and more to come. So I bought this cute little silk red dress at the dollar store the other day. I could not resist it when I saw it and well for a buck what did I have to lose. Well needless to say, the dress was for Pawco, he was not very thrilled about his new dress, but I thought he looked cute. I told him he had to be comfortable with his masculinity to dress like that. I have posted a couple of pictures here to show you what a cute little girl he makes!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hear ye, hear ye,
new blog coming real soon!!
So, stay tuned in.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FaLl, YoU gOtTa LoVe It

Fall has so many changes, here are a few that have taken place lately in our neck of town. The Kids are back in school, and I am oh so glad. They are both doing great and getting good grades. Linzee is still working at Bardenaay and TJ just finished up his summer mowing jobs and took a job at Pojos, the family fun center. He loves his job! I finally got a job as a sales rep for Xerox. I will be selling copiers, printers, fax machines, basically your multi function devices. I just came back from a week in Sacramento, learning all new stuff. I feel like I have been in school, this last month of training. I feel smarter, do I look smarter? ha ha

Oh, I did get to go to prison a couple of weeks ago, lucky for me they let me out the same day!! Ha ha, I was there doing a demo on a copier in their learning center. Let me tell you, it was a bit scary, walking right thru main population, but I survived and learned a lot.

Well Happy Fall and enjoy the beauty we see each and every day in the fall colors.

Monday, July 28, 2008

The Lake Powellers are finally home!

My family all went to Lake Powell this past week. I know they all had a great time, because they all came home with big smiles on their faces, not to mention alot browner faces. I am glad that my baby Linzee is home, I really missed her. I can't wait to see all the pictures they took. Especially the murder mystery party. I heard it was so much fun, lots of plots, stealing, black mailing etc. Hmmm, I was quite surprised to hear who the murderer was on the island. Well family, again I am glad you are all home and home safe! I love you all!!!!! : )

Friday, June 6, 2008

Linzee Sweet 16

Ok, so I had mentioned earlier that I would post a picture of Linzee on her birthday. Her crown was a gift from our dear friend Dorothy. Early that morning Dorothy and her two daughters came and kidnapped Linzee to take her to breakfast. I was lucky and invited too. She was queen for the day!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

If Only!!

I want to change the look of my blog, like change my header, but of course, I do not remember how. Maybe I never really knew how to make changes. I could not even remember the website to get to my blog. I had to google my name. Yes, I am an airhead. Any suggestions on how to change up the blog would be most helpful.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Changes in the Fam Damily

Ok, so Linzee just had her Sweet 16 birthday. It was a lot of fun!! She had some friends over for swimming and then on the day of her birthday we have a family bbq. We had the games, The Whiteys, The Basquos and The Mexicanos. Well we all had so much fun, but we really needed AM and Dan there to complete the teams. With out them, the Basquos took the gold, and the rest of us suffered. I think they cheated!!!! Well, we had fun and that's all that counts. I will post some new pictures here in the next couple of days. Oh, while AM and Dan were away, we spent alot of time with Ziney, she is so sweet and beautiful. I love it when she dances and crinkles her nose!! TJ went with Friends to the car races in Twin Falls and had lots of fun, but I think he had a long day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting Smarter

Well, I am very excited, by trial and error, I have figured out how to post a slide show and music to my Blog. This is so much fun, I do not know where I have been. The slide show is just some random pictures of my kids. Enjoy, and please check back for more changes as I learn!

Check out Mi Familia

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Status: Newbie...........

I have finally joined the blogging scene! Hopefully I can get it figured out before the next cool thing passes me by! I am very excited that I have found something that will make it easier to keep in touch and keep everyone updated on my family! I hope you have as much fun reading as I have posting!