Thursday, May 22, 2008

Changes in the Fam Damily

Ok, so Linzee just had her Sweet 16 birthday. It was a lot of fun!! She had some friends over for swimming and then on the day of her birthday we have a family bbq. We had the games, The Whiteys, The Basquos and The Mexicanos. Well we all had so much fun, but we really needed AM and Dan there to complete the teams. With out them, the Basquos took the gold, and the rest of us suffered. I think they cheated!!!! Well, we had fun and that's all that counts. I will post some new pictures here in the next couple of days. Oh, while AM and Dan were away, we spent alot of time with Ziney, she is so sweet and beautiful. I love it when she dances and crinkles her nose!! TJ went with Friends to the car races in Twin Falls and had lots of fun, but I think he had a long day!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Getting Smarter

Well, I am very excited, by trial and error, I have figured out how to post a slide show and music to my Blog. This is so much fun, I do not know where I have been. The slide show is just some random pictures of my kids. Enjoy, and please check back for more changes as I learn!

Check out Mi Familia

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Status: Newbie...........

I have finally joined the blogging scene! Hopefully I can get it figured out before the next cool thing passes me by! I am very excited that I have found something that will make it easier to keep in touch and keep everyone updated on my family! I hope you have as much fun reading as I have posting!